Santiago de Chile became, between 9 and 12 July, 2013, in the world capital of Uranium and Thorium. The Interregional IAEA-UNECE-CYTED Workshop on Uranium and Thorium became to the chilean capital in the center of worldwide interest in these essential elements for the future power development. This Interregional Workshop has convoked in Santiago de Chile about 60 experts and delegates of 30 countries of Europe, America, Asia and Africa.
The Interregional Workshop on Uranium and Thorium was organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA; the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC, the Economic Commission for Europe, UNECE; the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for the Development, CYTED; together with the Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile (Association of Engineers of Chile); the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission, CCHEN, and the Ministry of Mining of Chile.
The Interregional Workshop, held at the headquarters of Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile, allowed to conduct a review of the progress of the application, in respect of thorium and uranium, of the most advanced classification rules of resources and reserves proposed by the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources, UNFC, to conduct a review of the progress of exploration and extraction technologies of uranium, thorium, molybdenum and other byproducts of the mining industry and to conduct a review of progress in the explorations of uranium and thorium, and increase of the resources and reserves of uranium and thorium worldwide.
Mr. Fernando Sierpe, Coordinator of Nuclear Power Committee of the Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile was appointed Host Country Organizer of this event by the international organizations IAEA, UNECE y CYTED.
The experts and delegates attending the Workshop were from Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Congo, Chad, Chile, China, France, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Mauritania, Malawi, Mongolia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Paraguay, Peru, United Kingdom, Philippines, Poland, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tanzania, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Finally, the participants in the event presented and discussed their visions about future development and needs of technical assistance, which will allow the international organizations worldwide, IAEA, UNECE and CYTED, to focus, in better way, the application of its resources to the needs of different regions of the planet.
All participants agreed with the benefits obtained in the Workshop to allow sharing of experiences among the experts and delegates from countries with different levels of development in the mining and nuclear areas.
The Workshop began on Tuesday, July 9, at the headquarters of Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile. Mr. Fernando Sierpe, Host Country Organizer of the Workshop, welcomed to participants to the event. Then, Mr. David MacDonald, Vice President of Explorations for British Petroleum, outlined the objectives of the Workshop. After, Mr. Rodrigo Urquiza, Cochilco Internacional Affairs, representing the Minister of Mining refers to the importance of this Workshop in Chile. Then, spoke Mr. Fernando Agüero, President of Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile; Ms. Charlotte Griffiths, from United Kingdom, on behalf of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Economic Commission for Europe; Mr. Roberto Villas-Boas, of Brazil, representing the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development; Mr. Jaime Salas, Executive Director of the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission; CECHEN, and Mr. Jing Zhang, from China, on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA.
The Chilean Delegation was composed by Mr. Fernando Sierpe, of the Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile and Host Country Organizer of Workshop; Mr. Rodrigo Urquiza, representative of the Ministry of Mining and Cochilco; Mr. Alberto Salas, President of Sonami; Mr. Felipe Celedón, General Manager of Sonami; Mr. Edmundo Tulcanaza, Vice President of the Mining Commission; Mr. Pedro Orrego, Mr. Luis Olivares, Mr. Mario Barrera y Mr. Jorge Marín, of the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission; Mr. Alejandro Yáñez, of the U. of Santiago, on behalf of the U. of Chile, Catholic University, Federico Santa María University and Adolfo Ibáñez University; Mr. Jaime Blanco, General Manager of the Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile; Mr. Alvaro Covarrubias y Mr. Gonzalo Torres of Nuclear Power Committee of the Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile; Mr. Jorge Bacián, of the Mining and Metallurgical Council of the Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile; and Ms. María Paz Águila y Mr. Roberto Rojas of EDITEC.
The foreign experts who participated in the Workshop were Mr. Harikrishnan Tulsidas and Mr. Jing Zhang from the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA; Ms. Charlotte Griffiths of the Economic Commission for Europe, UNECE; Mr. Jean Acquatella, of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC; Mr. Roberto Villas-Boas from Brazil, Coordinator of the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development, Mr. Patrice Bruneton, from France; Mr. David MacDonald, Vice President of Exploration of British Petroleum, from United Kingdom y Mr. Julian Hilton, President of Group Aleff of United Kingdom and many experts delegates from participating countries.
Photographs The Interregional IAEA-UNECE-CYTED Workshop on Uranium and Thorium